Whether leading their families or in other vital roles in their communities, women who are empowered to thrive can make a positive impact for generations to come. For women facing the chronic condition of addiction in Georgia, however, such opportunities—and even lives—are cut devastatingly short.

Lightway Addiction Recovery Wellness Center, part of the Navigate Recovery Gwinnett family, is a nonprofit organization that is working to make sure more women in our state have the solid foundation they need to live out their full purpose. Lightway Recovery is a residential wellness center that serves women by providing the resources and environment for beginning and sustaining long-term recovery.

Addiction Recovery for Pregnant Women and Mothers

In addition to women at all life stages, Lightway Recovery has the distinction of serving pregnant and postpartum women. Addressing the unique recovery needs of expectant and recent mothers was especially important to Susan Barge, Lightway’s CEO and executive director, because there are fewer existing programs open to them.

“For these women, committing to an intensive recovery program is a profound expression of love that can forever change their child’s and family’s life for the better,” said Barge, who is herself a person in long-term recovery.

Led by Women in Long-Term Recovery

With Barge at the helm, Lightway Recovery is also staffed and run by a team of women in successful, sustained recovery. As highly trained peers, they model the beauty of recovery for the female residents they coach and serve.

What does recovery mean to these women? In a word, hope.

“I will never forget where I came from, but I try to keep moving forward and doing the next right thing,” said Carsyn. “My life started changing, and the way I viewed my own life began to transform. I recognized that the world and outside influences dominated my life and spirit before recovery. Now I live independently without owing people or depending on them to support me. I cherish being a useful person in society and helping those around me see how awesome sobriety is.”

Support for Your Recovery Journey

Most people working to overcome addiction need support to start and succeed on their recovery journey. That was true for Christina, who reached out to our partner organization, Navigate Recovery, when she needed help.

“The help and support I’ve received have been nothing short of amazing and a true blessing,” she said. “I’m overall impressed with the team of people they have serving us and our community. I’m forever grateful for the hope they’ve given me and for ultimately changing my life.”

If you are ready to take the next step in your recovery journey, contact Lightway Recovery and learn more about our admissions process!